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Varicose Vein Treatment

Varicose veins are most often enlarged veins which become twisted. They may occur anywhere in the body but most often affect the legs. They are a result of the disease referred to as venous insufficiency or venous reflux. This disease is improper circulation of the blood in the legs as it does not properly return to the heart. Arteries carry blood from your heart to the rest of your tissues and veins return this blood from the rest of your body to your heart so that it may be recirculated. To return the blood to your heart these veins in your legs must work against gravity. The muscles in your lower legs act as a pump and the elastic vein walls with tiny valves open as this blood flows toward your heart and then close to stop the blood from flowing backwards. When these valves become weak or damaged this allows the reversal of blood to pool in the veins causing these veins to dilate and twist.


For many people varicose and spider veins are simply a cosmetic concern. However for other people, varicose veins can cause pain and discomfort and if not treated, can progressively get worse. This disease is a common condition that affects millions of people a year. There are many different symptoms of this disease and it affects everyone differently. Signs that you may have varicose veins in your legs include: red or blue veins, bulging and enlarged veins, pain, swelling, a tired heavy achy feeling, itching, burning, numbness, skin discoloration, bleeding from a ruptured vessel, burning, throbbing, and muscle cramps.


There are many factors that may contribute to the development of varicose veins. The risk increases with age, it is highly hereditary, obesity and sitting or standing for long periods of times adds pressure to the veins, sun exposure, previous injuries, and women are more likely to develop the condition and this increases with pregnancy and hormone changes. Complications of varicose veins although rare can include ulceration of the skin near the ankles, blood clots and the increase risk of, as well as ruptured varicose veins which usually only cause minor bleeding but may require medical attention.

While there is no way to completely prevent varicose veins, you may reduce your risk of developing them or getting additional ones by performing some of the following measures: exercising, weight control, eating a sensible diet, elevating your legs, wear compression hose, and change your sitting or standing position regularly.


Here at Advanced Cardiovascular Specialists we offer several treatment options that are done on an outpatient basis right here in the clinic.Our treatments have a high success and patient satisfactions ratings.


Venefitâ„¢ (VNUS Closureâ„¢) Procedure allows for us to correct the damage, using only local anesthetic, in the comfort of our clinic. Using ultrasound as a guide, closure catheters are inserted into the vein via a tiny incision in the lower leg. The tiny radio frequency powered catheter then delivers heat to the vein wall to close it. Once the vein closes, blood naturally reroutes to healthier veins thus reducing the pressure and improving the appearance. Venefitâ„¢ (VNUS Closureâ„¢) Procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and typically takes about 30 minutes.


The VenaSealâ„¢ closure system is the only non-tumescent, non-thermal, non-sclerosant procedure that uses a proprietary medical adhesive delivered endovenously to close the vein.


Varithena® (polidocanol injectable foam) is used to treat varicose veins caused by problems with the great saphenous vein (GSV) and other related saphenous systems veins in the legs. It improves symptoms related to or caused by varicose and the appearance of varicose veins.


Ultrasound guided injection sclerotherapy is a procedure where your doctor injects small to medium sized varicose veins with a solution or foam that scars and closes those veins. In a few weeks to months, treated varicose veins should fade. Although the same vein may need to be injected more than once, sclerotherapy is effective if done correctly.


Feel free to schedule a consulation with Dr. Fonte. During your appointment we will assess your vascular condition. We will perform a venous doppler ultrasound for mapping of your veins. Ultrasound uses painless sound waves at a higher frequency than the human ear. It allows Dr. Fonte and staff to measure the speed, direction and evaluate the structure of your leg veins. Then Dr. Fonte will determine if you in fact have venous disease and determine the best method for successful treatment.

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